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5700+ Visualized English Vocabulary
Free Download 5700+ Visualized English Vocabulary
Published 5/2024
MP4 | Video: h264, 1920x1080 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English | Size: 7.83 GB | Duration: 12h 58m
a 3048-paged downloadable eBook + personalized videos
What you'll learn
Explore over 5700 common and academic English words, continually expanding, designed for success in IELTS, TOEFL, SAT, PTE, and GRE exams.
Decode vocabulary visually using 5700+ words & clear explanations. Excel in exams confidently.
Master vocabulary visually with speaker-led explanations & engaging visuals.
Prepare for exams (IELTS, TOEFL, SAT, PTE, GRE) with image-based vocab learning. Achieve success!
No prerequisites needed.
Welcome to "Visualize Vocabulary Mastery," a course designed to enhance language learning through effective methods. This course aims to improve the way language learners understand and remember words by providing efficient and enjoyable learning experiences.Navigating the vast sea of vocabulary can be challenging for learners. This course focuses on guiding learners through the derivation of meanings using visuals, simple language, and engaging narratives, aiming to facilitate understanding and retention.Key Features of the Course:· Comprehensive Coverage: Explore a wide range of common and academic English words, including those relevant to exams such as IELTS, TOEFL, SAT, PTE, and GRE.· Visual Learning: Each word is accompanied by illustrations to facilitate understanding and memorization for learners of all levels.· Suitable for Educators and Learners: This course provides effective tools for language learning, suitable for both educators and individual learners.· Interactive Elements: Engage in simple dialogues and scenarios, adding an enjoyable element to the learning process.· Complimentary E-Book: Enhance your learning experience with a complimentary 3048-paged e-book download containing additional learning materials.What Sets This Course Apart:This course encourages learners to derive meanings independently while providing official word meanings. It complements traditional dictionaries, offering a unique approach to language learning.Embark on a journey where words come to life, understanding deepens, and learning becomes an art. Join "Visualize Vocabulary Mastery" today and discover the joy and wisdom in the world of words.
Section 1: Introduction (e-book for download)
Lecture 1 Introduction
Section 2: a&r, aargh, aback, abaft, abandon, abase, abashed
Lecture 2 a&r, aargh, aback, abaft, abandon, abase, abashed
Section 3: abate, abbreviation, abdicate, abet, abeyance, abhor
Lecture 3 abate, abbreviation, abdicate, abet, abeyance, abhor
Section 4: abide, abiding, abinitio, abiotic, ability, abject
Lecture 4 abide, abiding, abinitio, abiotic, ability, abject
Section 5: abjure, ablation, ablaze, ablative, able, abduct
Lecture 5 abjure, ablation, ablaze, ablative, able, abduct
Section 6: able-bodied, ableism, able seaman, abnegation, aboard
Lecture 6 able-bodied, ableism, able seaman, abnegation, aboard
Section 7: abode, abolish, abominable, abominate, aberrant, abort
Lecture 7 abode, abolish, abominable, abominate, aberrant, abort
Section 8: about, above, abrade, abrasion, abridge
Lecture 8 about, above, abrade, abrasion, abridge
Section 9: abroad, abrogate, abrupt, abscond, absence, absolution
Lecture 9 abroad, abrogate, abrupt, abscond, absence, absolution
Section 10: absolutism, absolve, absorb, abstain, abstemious, abstinence
Lecture 10 absolutism, absolve, absorb, abstain, abstemious, abstinence
Section 11: abstract, abstracted, abstruse, absurd, abundance, abuse, abut
Lecture 11 abstract, abstracted, abstruse, absurd, abundance, abuse, abut
Section 12: abysmal, abyss, AC, academia, academic, academy
Lecture 12 abysmal, abyss, AC, academia, academic, academy
Section 13: acapella, accede, accelerate, accentuate, accept
Lecture 13 acapella, accede, accelerate, accentuate, accept
Section 14: access,accession,accessory,accident,accidental,acclaim,acclamation
Lecture 14 access,accession,accessory,accident,accidental,acclaim,acclamation
Section 15: acclimatize, accolade, accommodate, accommodating, accommodation, accompaniment
Lecture 15 acclimatize, accolade, accommodate, accommodating, accommodation, accompaniment
Section 16: accompany, accomplice, accomplished, accord, accordance
Lecture 16 accompany, accomplice, accomplished, accord, accordance
Section 17: accost, account, accountable, accountant, accoutrement, accredit
Lecture 17 accost, account, accountable, accountant, accoutrement, accredit
Section 18: accretion, accrue, accumulate, accumulator, accurate
Lecture 18 accretion, accrue, accumulate, accumulator, accurate
Section 19: accursed,accuse,accustom,ACDC, ace, acerbic
Lecture 19 accursed, accuse, accustom, ACDC, ace, acerbic
Section 20: acetate, ache, achieve, acid, acidify, acknowledge, acme, acolyte
Lecture 20 acetate, ache, achieve, acid,acidify,acknowledge,acme,acolyte
Section 21: acoustic, acquaint, acquiesce, acquire, acquisitive, acquit
Lecture 21 acoustic, acquaint, acquiesce, acquire, acquisitive, acquit
Section 22: acre, acrid, acrimony, acronym, across, acrostic
Lecture 22 acre, acrid, acrimony, acronym, across, acrostic
Section 23: act,actionable,activate,active,actual,actualize
Lecture 23 act,actionable,activate,active,actual,actualize
Section 24: actuary,actuate,acuity,acumen,acute,A.D.
Lecture 24 actuary,actuate,acuity,acumen,acute,A.D.
Section 25: adage, adagio, adamant, adapt, add, addendum
Lecture 25 adage, adagio, adamant, adapt, add, addendum
Section 26: addict, additional, additive, addled, address, adduce
Lecture 26 addict, additional, additive, addled, address, adduce
Section 27: adept, adequate, adhere, adherent, ad hoc, adieu, ad infinitum, adjacent
Lecture 27 adept, adequate, adhere, adherent, ad hoc, adieu, ad infinitum, adjacent
Section 28: adjourn, adjudicate, adjunct, ad-lib, administer
Lecture 28 adjourn, adjudicate, adjunct, ad-lib, administer
Section 29: administration, admirable, admissible, admission, admit, admittance
Lecture 29 administration, admirable, admissible, admission, admit, admittance
Section 30: admonish, ad nauseam, ado, adolescence, adopt, adore, adorn
Lecture 30 admonish, ad nauseam, ado, adolescence, adopt, adore, adorn
Section 31: adrift, adroit, adulation, adulterate, adulterous, adumbrate
Lecture 31 adrift, adroit, adulation, adulterate, adulterous, adumbrate
Section 32: advantage, advent, adventure, adversary, adverse, adversity
Lecture 32 advantage, advent, adventure, adversary, adverse, adversity
Section 33: advertise, advice, advisable, aerodynamic, aero foil, aeronautics
Lecture 33 advertise, advice, advisable, aerodynamic, aero foil, aeronautics
Section 34: aerospace,aerosol,aesthetic,afar,affable,affair
Lecture 34 aerospace,aerosol,aesthetic,afar,affable,affair
Section 35: affect,affectionate,affidavit,affiliate,affinity,affirm,affirmative
Lecture 35 affect,affectionate,affidavit,affiliate,affinity,affirm,affirmative
Section 36: affix, afflict, affluent, afford, affront, aficionado
Lecture 36 affix, afflict, affluent, afford, affront, aficionado
Section 37: afield, aflame, afloat, afoot, afresh
Lecture 37 afield, aflame, afloat, afoot, afresh
Section 38: Afrikaans, afterlife, aftermath, afterthought, against, agape
Lecture 38 Afrikaans, afterlife, aftermath, afterthought, against, agape
Section 39: age,ageism,ageless,agency,agenda,agent provocateur
Lecture 39 age,ageism,ageless,agency,agenda,agent provocateur
Section 40: aggrandize,aggravate,aggregate,aggression,aggrieved,agile
Lecture 40 aggrandize,aggravate,aggregate,aggression,aggrieved,agile
Section 41: agitate, AGM, agnostic, agog, agonize, agony
Lecture 41 agitate, AGM, agnostic, agog, agonize, agony
Section 42: agoraphobia, agrarian, ague, ahoy, ail, aim, aimless, ain't
Lecture 42 agoraphobia, agrarian, ague, ahoy, ail, aim, aimless, ain't
Section 43: air, airlift, airlock, airspace, airtight, airway, airworthy
Lecture 43 air, airlift, airlock, airspace, airtight, airway, airworthy
Section 44: airy, airy-fairy, alacrity, alarmist, albeit, alcoholism
Lecture 44 airy, airy-fairy, alacrity, alarmist, albeit, alcoholism
Section 45: alderman, alert, alfresco, algorithm, alias, alibi
Lecture 45 alderman, alert, alfresco, algorithm, alias, alibi
Section 46: alien, alienate, alight, align, alimony, alive, alkali
Lecture 46 alien, alienate, alight, align, alimony, alive, alkali
Section 47: allay,allege,allegiance,allegory,allegro,alleluia,allergic,alleviate,alliance
Lecture 47 allay,allege,allegiance,allegory,allegro,alleluia,allergic,alleviate,alliance
Section 48: alliteration, allocate, allot, allow, allowance, alloy, allude, allure
Lecture 48 alliteration, allocate, allot, allow, allowance, alloy, allude, allure
Section 49: alluvial, alma mater, almanac, almighty, alms, alms-house, aloft, alone
Lecture 49 alluvial, alma mater, almanac, almighty, alms, alms-house, aloft, alone
Section 50: along, alongside, aloof, alopecia, alp, altar, alter
Lecture 50 along, alongside, aloof, alopecia, alp, altar, alter
Section 51: altercation, alter ego, alternate, alternator, although, altimeter altitude alto
Lecture 51 altercation, alter ego, alternate, alternator, although, altimeter altitude alto
Section 52: altogether,altruism,aluminum,alumnus,always,AM,amalgam,amalgamate,amanuensis
Lecture 52 altogether,altruism,aluminum,alumnus,always,AM,amalgam,amalgamate,amanuensis
Section 53: amass, amateur, amatory, amaze, Amazon, ambassador, amber
Lecture 53 amass, amateur, amatory, amaze, Amazon, ambassador, amber
Section 54: ambergris, ambidextrous, ambiance, ambient, ambiguity, ambition
Lecture 54 ambergris, ambidextrous, ambiance, ambient, ambiguity, ambition
Section 55: ambivalent,amble,ambrosia,ambulatory,ambush,ameliorate,Amen,amenable
Lecture 55 ambivalent,amble,ambrosia,ambulatory,ambush,ameliorate,Amen,amenable
Section 56: amend, amenity, amiable, amicable, amid, Amir emir, amiss
Lecture 56 amend, amenity, amiable, amicable, amid, Amir emir, amiss
Section 57: amity, ammunition, amnesia, amnesty, amniocentesis, amniotic fluid, amok, among
Lecture 57 amity, ammunition, amnesia, amnesty, amniocentesis, amniotic fluid, amok, among
Section 58: amoral, amorous, amorphous, amount, ampere, ample, amplifier
Lecture 58 amoral, amorous, amorphous, amount, ampere, ample, amplifier
Section 59: amplify, amplitude, amputate, amuse, anabolic, steroid, anachronism
Lecture 59 amplify, amplitude, amputate, amuse, anabolic, steroid, anachronism
Section 60: anaemia,anaesthetic,analgesic,analogous,analysis,analogy,anarchic,anathema
Lecture 60 anaemia,anaesthetic,analgesic,analogous,analysis,analogy,anarchic,anathema
Section 61: anatomy,ancestor,ancestry,anchor,anchorage,anchorite,anchorman,ancien régime
Lecture 61 anatomy,ancestor,ancestry,anchor,anchorage,anchorite,anchorman,ancien régime
Section 62: ancient,ancillary,andante,androgynous,anecdote,anew,angina,Anglicize
Lecture 62 ancient,ancillary,andante,androgynous,anecdote,anew,angina,Anglicize
Section 63: anglophile, angry, angst, anguish, angular, animal, animate
Lecture 63 anglophile, angry, angst, anguish, angular, animal, animate
Section 64: animism, animosity, annals, anneal, annex, annihilate
Lecture 64 animism, animosity, annals, anneal, annex, annihilate
Section 65: announce,annoy,annual,annuity,annul,annunciation,anode,anodyne,anoint
Lecture 65 announce,annoy,annual,annuity,annul,annunciation,anode,anodyne,anoint
Section 66: anomalous,anon,anonymous,anorak,anorexia,antagonism,antedate,antediluvian
Lecture 66 anomalous,anon,anonymous,anorak,anorexia,antagonism,antedate,antediluvian
Section 67: antenatal, antenna, anterior, anthem, anthology, anthracite, anthrax
Lecture 67 antenatal, antenna, anterior, anthem, anthology, anthracite, anthrax
Section 68: anthropoid,anthropology,anthropomorphic,antibiotic,antibody,antichrist,anticipat
Lecture 68 anthropoid,anthropology,anthropomorphic,antibiotic,antibody,antichrist,anticipat
Section 69: antics,antidote,antifreeze,antigen,anti-hero,antimatter
Lecture 69 antics,antidote,antifreeze,antigen,anti-hero,antimatter
Section 70: antipathy,antiperspirant,antiphonal,antipode,antiquarian,antiquated,antique,anti
Lecture 70 antipathy,antiperspirant,antiphonal,antipode,antiquarian,antiquated,antique,anti
Section 71: anti-Semitism,antiseptic,antisocial,antithesis,anxiety,any,anybody,anyhow
Lecture 71 anti-Semitism,antiseptic,antisocial,antithesis,anxiety,any,anybody,anyhow
Section 72: apart,apartheid,apathetic,ape,aperitif,aperture,aphorism,aphrodisiac
Lecture 72 apart,apartheid,apathetic,ape,aperitif,aperture,aphorism,aphrodisiac
Section 73: aplenty, aplomb, apocalypse, apolitical, apology, apoplexy
Lecture 73 aplenty, aplomb, apocalypse, apolitical, apology, apoplexy
Section 74: apostasy,apostle,apothecary,apotheosis,appall,apparel,apparel,apparent
Lecture 74 apostasy,apostle,apothecary,apotheosis,appall,apparel,apparel,apparent
Section 75: apparition,appeal,appease,appellation,append,appendage,appendicitis,appertain
Lecture 75 apparition,appeal,appease,appellation,append,appendage,appendicitis,appertain
Section 76: appetite,appetizer,appliance,applicable,apply,applicator,applique,appoint
Lecture 76 appetite,appetizer,appliance,applicable,apply,applicator,applique,appoint
Section 77: apportion,apposite,appraise,appreciable,appreciate,apprehend,apprehension
Lecture 77 apportion,apposite,appraise,appreciable,appreciate,apprehend,apprehension
Section 78: apprehensive,apprentice,apprise,approach,approachable,approbation,approve,appurt
Lecture 78 apprehensive,apprentice,apprise,approach,approachable,approbation,approve,appurt
Section 79: a priori, apron, apropos, apt, aptitude, aquatic, aqueduct, aqueous
Lecture 79 a priori, apron, apropos, apt, aptitude, aquatic, aqueduct, aqueous
Section 80: arabesque,arable,arachnid,arachnophobia,arbiter,arbitrary,arboreal,arboretum
Lecture 80 arabesque,arable,arachnid,arachnophobia,arbiter,arbitrary,arboreal,arboretum
Section 81: arbor, arc, arcade, arcane, arch, archly, archeology, archaic
Lecture 81 arbor, arc, arcade, arcane, arch, archly, archeology, archaic
Section 82: archangel,archbishop,archdeacon,arch-enemy,archer,archetype,archipelago
Lecture 82 archangel,archbishop,archdeacon,arch-enemy,archer,archetype,archipelago
Section 83: architect,architecture,archive,archivist,ardent,arduous,area,argot
English learners of all levels,educators and parents seeking effective teaching tools to make language learning engaging,Test takers preparing for exams such as IELTS, TOEFL, SAT, PTE, and GRE seeking to enhance their vocabulary skills.
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